For history buffs, this 1950 plan may be interesting. You can see lots G and F again. Lot E on this plan is part of that conservation area the Town already owned.
As a historical footnote, I put this up because all of the land on this plan was at one time owned by Frances Foster, the gentleman who turned the dam and the Point over to the Foster's Pond Corporation when the FPC was established in 1939.
He also turned over everything on this plan to the FPC. The FPC, in turn, gave this all the land on this plan to a neighborhood organization that had previously been incorporated several years after the FPC by people with summer camps on the Willard Circle side of the pond. That organization was called the Foster's Pond Improvement Association. The FPIA then turned around and, using this plan, essentially gave the land away to FPIA members.
The only lot that the FPIA held on to was Lot B, which as you can see has about 1 acre in Andover and another 8 acres in Wilmington. Today's generation of FPIA members have a different way of looking at the world, and at the Pond, They voted that, if the Town bought G and F, the FPIA would donate Lot B to a conservation organization which welcomes public access. After last year's Town Meeting vote, the FPIA ratified its earlier decision and voted to donate Lot B to the Foster's Pond Corporation.
So the details of that transfer are still to be worked out. But I do want to say something about the big picture here. The FPC - which currently owns the dam, and the Point at the end of Pomeroy Road, will also own this land in Andover and Wilmington, on the westerly side of Foster's Pond. And that means not only that this land will be permanently proctected, but also that - because of the foresight of our neighbors in the Willard Circle area, the FPC will be strengthed in its role of binding the entire community together and giving us all a stake in all parts of the Pond.