Minutes: August 5, 2023
Foster's Pond Corporation
August 5, 2023
31 Glenwood Road, Andover
3:00 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.
About 65 people attended the 2023 summer picnic and meeting of the Foster's Pond Corporation. It was the 18th annual FPC picnic, a community tradition which traces its roots back 96 years. Pond-wide picnics were held annually between 1927 and some time in the 1960s, when the tradition lapsed. The modern event was revived in 2005, and has been held every year since, with the exception of 2020, when large outdoor gatherings were barred due to COVID. The picnic, under sunny skies, was held at the home of Dave Brown and Trish Fleming, 31 Glenwood Road. Adults feasted in the shade of towering white pines, while children splashed in the Pond under the watchful eyes of their parents.
President Steve Cotton called the formal meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. He thanked Dave and Trish, the officers and directors of the Corporation, and the volunteers who keep the Pond safe by monitoring for blue-green algae.
Treasurer Dave Brown gave a report on the Corporation's 2023 income to date.
Steve reported on the Corporation's activites so far this year. He reported that Dug Pond, for the first time since 2015, had been treated for fanwort.
He also reported that, for the first time since 2017, no part of Foster's Pond had been treated for fanwort, the invasive that once dominated the Pond. As part of the Corporation's efforts to minimize chemical treatments, he said, professional divers were deployed to hand-pull fanwort. Working over the course of eight days, he reported, they had removed nearly two tons of fanwort.
He also reported that the Pond had just been treated for blue-green algae, after laboratory analysis of samples taken from the Outlet Cove and the Main Pond indicated rising concentrations. The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
Photo by Juli Stoughton